For Partners
Help Spread the word about Transportation Options in Oregon
The information and resources on this page are intended for professional transportation options partners across Oregon to use to promote Get There and inform transportation programs in their region. Below you will find Get There communications, toolkits and guides for projects and programs throughout Oregon, case studies, and national resources.
Get There logos should be included on any materials where is mentioned. Click below to access print- and digital-ready logo files.

Use the resources below to promote Oregon’s free online trip planning, ridematching, and metrics tracking tool, Get There Connect. You can find downloadable versions of the Get There Connect logo, in addition to use guidelines, under the Get There Logos section of this page.
Instructions on using Get There Connect can be found here.
Contact [email protected] if you have questions or need additional resources not found here.
Web Copy
Make your commute better
Save money. Boost your health. Reduce CO2. Enjoy the ride.
With Get There Connect, you can:
- Explore and tap into commute options—transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, and walking.
- Find others going your way and share the ride in a carpool or vanpool.
- Track stats like money saved, calories burned, and reduced carbon emissions.
- Join challenges and earn local rewards, as available.
Get started by creating an account in Get There Connect here using your mobile device or desktop computer or log in to your existing account.
Need help? Contact [ADD LOCAL CONTACT] or [email protected].
Become a Get There Network Manager
Get There Network Managers have access to more Get There Connect features, and can see the collective impact of their organization. Network Managers can:
- View network stats
- View members
- Create subnetworks
- Add managers
- Pull reports
To become a network manager, you must first create a Get There Connect account. There can be multiple network managers for one network. Once you’ve created an account, email [email protected] to request to be added as a network manager.
Once you’re added as a network manager, you’ll see a ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner of your dashboard.
Get There Schoolpool
Schoolpool gives users tools to easily find and message other nearby households for the purpose of establishing groups to form carpools or other shared commutes.
Watch the RideAmigos training below or review the presentation slides to learn more.
Questions? Reach out to [email protected].
Get There Connect Survey Tool
Learn about ECO Rule survey requirements, RideAmigos survey tool basics, how to use the Get There ECO Survey template and distribute it, and use your results.
Get There Connect Digital Inventory Training
Learn about point and incentive programs and how to use the Digital Inventory to automate your workflow.
Social Media Posts are published on the statewide Get There social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) 5-6 times per month. Follow us to like, comment, or share the posts with your networks. Contact us at [email protected] if you would like us to share one of your social media posts.
Click the photos below to download them.
Tabling & Support
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has developed a variety of safety campaign materials available for use statewide. Click on the ‘More Info’ button below to view and download campaign materials including logos, posters, social media graphics, digital ads, and more.
If you’d like hard copies of safety campaign materials, please fill out this order form.

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has developed a variety of program toolkits to leverage the work of TO partners across the state. The following toolkits consider the lessons learned from local pilots and programs, and provide step-by-step instructions for implementing similar programs throughout the state.

Employee Transportation Coordinator Toolkit
The Employee Transportation Coordinator’s Toolkit provides guidance and support to employers interested in creating a transportation options program at their workplace. TO Partners can provide local employers with the ETC toolkit directly, or download and customize it to include information specific to their region.

Everybody Rides Toolkit
The Everybody Rides Toolkit was based on lessons learned from the Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD) Everybody Rides campaign, which aimed to increase awareness of regional public transit options and increase transit ridership in the Columbia River Gorge. The toolkit is a guide to planning, implementing, and evaluating similar community-led campaigns to promote public transit.

Ride the Bus Toolkit
The Ride the Bus Toolkit was adapted from Klamath County Partner’s “Meet the Bus” program, which aimed to introduce second-grade students to the local public transportation system. The toolkit is intended to help TO practitioners provide children and their families with basic information about taking public transportation and promote transit use for family trips in general.

Enhancing Veterans’ Mobility Toolkit
The Enhancing Veterans’ Mobility Toolkit provides guidance for those who are interested in creating a program or developing outreach strategies to increase Veterans’ access to services and opportunities by using transportation options.

This document explores how shuttles and vanpools are different, and when a public entity like a city, county, or transit agency should consider one solution or the other.
DownloadDescargarThe following one-pagers are intended to support employers on offering commute solutions and programming for employees.

From Pain to Perk: Improve Commutes for Better Job Satisfaction, Retention, & More!
Download this employer guide on how to turn commute pain into work perks by offering commuter benefits to improve employee commutes and serve business needs, using free tools and support services offered by Get There Oregon and local partners.

Employee Carpool Programs 101
Bad employee commutes can hurt job satisfaction, retention, and more! For employers looking to improve commutes, especially those in industrial districts and non-urban areas with limited transportation options and 24/7 shifts, carpooling offers employees a practical commute solution that nets all kinds of benefits.
Download this employer guide on how to build successful employee carpool programs, using free ridematching tools and support services from Get There Oregon and our local partners.

Commuter Benefits 101
Commuting is costing workers more time and money, and it’s hurting morale, health and wellness, productivity, and retention. Serve all kinds of critical business needs by offering commuter benefits. Download this employer guide that explores delivering commuter benefits for your employees + free support services.

Smart Solutions for the Hybrid Work Era
Hybrid work has become a dominant work model for organizations seeking to capture the benefits of flexible remote work and in-office collaboration. Download this guide on how employers can perfect hybrid work and implement best practices for better workforce proficiency and performance in today’s hybrid work era.

Better Commutes Transit Solutions
Download this employer guide on why employers should prioritize improving employee commutes and how transit can benefit your employees and operations. Plus, access free services and tools from Get There Oregon and partners to help your employees commute using transit.

The Business Case for Bike-Friendly Workplaces
Poor employee health can be a big challenge for employers. At the crux of the problem lies the lack of physical activity, which can lead to chronic disease and mental health issues. Employers can make it easier for employees to add physical activity into their daily lives by supporting bike commuting through resources, tools, amenities, and benefits, which create bike-friendly workplaces.
Download this employer guide about the business case for bike-friendly workplaces, scalable strategies for supporting bike commuting, and using free resources and tools from Get There Oregon and partners.

Improve Commutes & Work Experience with Oregon’s Commute Solutions Toolkit
Download this employer guide to learn more about how Oregon’s Commute Solutions Toolkit can help employers equip their employees and organizations to thrive by making commutes and work experience better. Employee commute support tips and information about other free employer resources and services are also provided.

Make Commutes Better Using Oregon’s Get There Connect Tool—FREE!
Employee commutes and work experience play big roles today in job satisfaction, retention and recruitment, productivity, and more. Make commutes and work experience better using Oregon’s free Get There Connect tool that connects employees with more affordable, healthy, and sustainable commute options, while serving critical business needs.
Download this employer guide about Get There Connect’s many great features and available support services. Equip employees to use commute options, join or start carpools/vanpools, track personal metrics, enter statewide challenges, and earn local rewards. Plus, conduct employee surveys, track organizational metrics, offer internal rewards, and more!

Improve Commutes & Flexibility with Compressed Work
Once an idea that provoked some skepticism, compressed work is gaining traction for a wide range of job types. While remote and hybrid work has helped ease time-consuming and costly employee commutes, most workers must otherwise commute to worksites to get their work done. Compressed work provides an alternative for onsite employees that can reduce commute trips to ease financial strain and stress, while providing flexibility for better work-life balance. Download this guide on how to set up compressed work at worksites—a flexible scheduling approach benefiting employees and employers alike.

Improve Employee Wellness and Productivity: Try Commute Options!
Commuting is a necessary part of employee work routines for a majority—77% of workers—who drive to work. Yet, commutes have gotten worse due to longer distances traveled, continual traffic delays, and skyrocketing costs. Bad commutes can hurt employee health and wellness, resulting in impacts on job satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Download this one-pager about the impacts of commuting on employee health and wellness and how improving the commute experience can enable your workforce and organization to thrive.

Better Commutes for a Thriving Workforce: Employer Resources Guide
Get There Oregon and partners offer free resources and services to help employers equip their employees to use more affordable, healthy, and sustainable commute options. Download this Employer Resources Guide that provides detailed information about the support services, tools, and more available to take employee commutes and work experience to the next level at no cost from Get There Oregon and partners.

Employee CTR Programs: Serve Business Needs by Improving Commutes
Unlock better commutes by equipping employees to use commute options by starting a Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program. Download this one-pager about the benefits of starting a CTR program and get insights on effective setup strategies that can take your employee commute and work experience to the next level, while helping serve business needs.

Energize + Grow Your Workforce: How Commute Solutions Serve Business Needs
Work satisfaction today plays a big role in employee morale, productivity, and retention, which broadly impacts operational performance and the bottom line. A top ranked factor negatively hurting employee work experience today—impacting retention and recruitment—is the commute.
Download this one-pager about why the commute matters for employers and how to unlock better employee commutes to serve your business needs. Plus, learn about free resources, tools, and services provided by Get There Oregon and partners.

Better Commutes Survey Solutions
Job satisfaction and workplace culture play big roles in how engaged employees are in their work and in fulfilling the organization’s mission. A top factor negatively hurting employee work experience today—impacting retention and recruitment—is the commute. Unlock better commutes by equipping employees with more affordable, healthy, and sustainable commute options. Download this one-pager on why commutes matter and conducting commuter surveys. Plus, learn about commuter survey best practices and free services and tools provided by Get There Oregon and partners.

Better Commutes Bicycling Solutions
Enhance employee wellness in a low-cost way by supporting healthy, sustainable, and more affordable bicycle commuting. Download this one-pager about the many benefits bicycle commuting offers both employees and employers. Plus, get tips on how to support bicycle commuting at worksites and leveraging free resources and tools offered by Get There Oregon and our network of local partners.

Greener Commutes Sustainability Solutions
Sustainability is a big concern for businesses and governments today. Lead the way in sustainability for a better today and tomorrow by empowering employees to use greener commute options. Download this one-pager about how to turn employee commutes green and using free resources, tools, and services available from Get There Oregon and our partner network.

Better Commutes: Carpooling Solutions
Among the key factors impacting employee job satisfaction today, the commute is at the top of the list. Supporting shared commute solutions like carpooling can give employers a competitive edge to retain and attract employees, especially on-site shift workers that can’t use transit or other options. Download this one-pager to tailor and use on how employers can tap into free carpooling tools and services to support their business needs.

Energize + Grow your Workforce!
Today, work satisfaction plays a big role in employee morale, productivity, and retention that broadly impacts operational performance and the bottom line. Perceived work experience can also hurt recruitment. Download this one-pager to tailor and use about why “the commute” matters for employers and what scalable, low-cost commute and remote work solutions can be offered to improve employee commutes. Tips on how to get started using free resources, tools, and services from Get There Oregon and partners are also provided.

Better Commutes Vanpooling Solutions
Recruiting and retaining employees can be a challenge, and work satisfaction today plays a big role. That includes the commute, which for many onsite employees has become longer and more costly. Download this one-pager to tailor and use on how employers can turn employee commute problems into a competitive work perk + support critical business needs.

Workplace Wellness & Active Commutes
Today’s staffing issues make one thing clear: promoting and supporting your employees’ health is more important than ever. Supporting active commute options can improve employee health and wellness, as well as boost staff retention and talent recruitment. Download this one-pager about the benefits of active commuting for both employers and employees and how to build support, benefits, and perks into your workplace wellness efforts.
DownloadDescargarThe Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) supports the development of guides to offer partners solutions, best practices, and recommendations for transportation programs or materials development. The following guides are intended to provide information and resources to inform TO programs and efforts.

Accessibility in Print Guide
How do you design print materials that are accessible and inclusive for the widest possible array of people? This guide presents research on graphic design principles that can make print products more accessible for people with visual impairments and other disabilities, as well as Limited English Proficiency, and low-literacy populations.

Remote and Teleworking Toolkit
Many organizations rapidly shifted to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After seeing remote work benefits, including increased productivity and job satisfaction among employees, companies are now looking to make hybrid remote work long-term and company-wide. Employers can use this toolkit to establish a foundation for effective teamwork and continued productivity in a remote work environment, provide tips for employees, and create formal policies and agreements.

Core Principles for LEP Engagement
This guide presents a set of core principles and recommended actions for delivering Transportation Options (TO) programming among Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Spanish speaking communities in Oregon.
DownloadDescargarCase Studies The case studies listed below are great examples of successful transportation programming in Oregon. Discover how other partners in the state are integrating active transportation into their communities.

Exit 27: Reboot Your Commute
A congestion mitigation and safety campaign on I-5 in Medford, Oregon

Pedal Corvallis
A community bike share program that launched in 2016 in Corvallis, Oregon

Transportation Wallet Case Study by Portland Bureau of Transportation
A transportation options discount program encouraging people to use public transportation options in specific neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon

Streets Alive Case Study
An open street event to promote walking and biking in Hood River, Oregon

“Gus Rides the Bus” and Bicycle Rodeo Program
An interactive 45-minute class created by Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) for K-12th grade students to learn about alternative modes of transportation

Spanish Options Marketing Campaign Final Report
A Metro report outlining best practices for conducting outreach to Spanish-speakers about carpooling and other travel options.

Public Engagement with Diverse Communities in Medford
A University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Initiative report outlining best practices for public engagement with Latino communities in Medford.
DownloadDescargarPBIC Open Source Image Library – free to use photos biking, walking and transit
Association for Commuter Transportation – a premier organization and leading advocate for commuter transportation and transportation demand management (TDM) professionals
APBP Bicycle Parking Guidelines – a helpful resource for partners planning to purchase or install bike parking fixtures on a limited scale
TDM Listserv – a 2,550+ national email list fostering peer-to-peer exchanges
If you have a recommendation for additional resources, please contact us at [email protected].