You can Help Create Safer Roads for ALL Users.

Oregon Friendly Driver is a program that shares tips to improve how people interact with all users of the roadway. Here are a FEW of the things you can learn from the Oregon Friendly Driver course:

A bike has the same rights and responsibilities as a car. 

When on the roadway a person biking is required to follow all of the same vehicle laws as a person driving. People driving should treat people biking as they would another vehicle on the road, but know that there are times when a person biking can use walking facilities too! People biking can ride on sidewalks and crosswalks in many areas, but must go walking speeds.

People ride a bicycle for all different reasons just like a person drives for different reasons – to get to where they need to go (work, school, or play), for exercise, and for enjoyment. Being an Oregon Friendly Driver means you understand people who are riding bicycles and respect their mode of transport.


Sharrows are road markings used to indicate a shared lane environment. These appear where speeds are slow and the roadway is too narrow for a person biking and a person driving to share the road (side by side).

A Sharrow:

  • Highlights that bicycle traffic will be on the street
  • Recommends proper riding positioning on the roadway
  • May be configured to offer directional and wayfinding guidance. People biking should travel in the direction that the sharrow is pointing.

As an Oregon Friendly Driver, when you see sharrow markings on a road, slow down and anticipate people on bikes “taking the lane” and give enough space.


Doored VS the Dutch Reach

Opening the door on a person biking can cause serious injury.

The door zone law (ORS 811.490) is intended to protect people on bicycles. To be a friendly driver use the Dutch reach (shown below) and be swift when exiting and re-entering your car. 

To learn more about Oregon Friendly Driver: You can become a certified Oregon Friendly Driver by taking the online course anytime.


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